Optonet Vision Unit Documentation

Please note that this User Guide is being translated into English; new sections will be added shortly.

3.3.Daily Exercise Program #

We will now see now how to program the list of exercises for the patient to perform each day.

First, we have to select the day on the calendar by clicking on it, which will highlight the number of exercises already programmed for that day.

Next, go to the bottom of the page and click on the Add Programmed Test button.


Add Test


A window will then open with a menu displaying the tests and exercises that can be chosen for home therapy with the Optonet Vision Unit:




When selecting any of the four Vergence options, we can then specify if we want the patient to do Therapy exercises or take automated measurements of their Fusional Vergence Amplitude.

Remember that StereoGlobal corresponds to images over a background of random dots, whereas StereoLocal indicates simple images on a plain background.

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