Optonet Vision Unit Documentation

Please note that this User Guide is being translated into English; new sections will be added shortly.

3.11.Management of Patient’s Access #

The practitioner can delete a user from the Home Therapy screen, simply by leaving their “Username” field blank, and then clicking on the green save button. This action sends a request to deny access to that user.

Professionals can also change patient’s login details at any time, by filling in the new data, and then clicking on save. The change of credentials is immediate.

In any case, denying access or modifying user’s login details does not affect the information stored from exercises previously completed, since this information has been already saved in the patient’s record.

In an active therapy program, the professional can add new exercises, change them, or delete those already performed, at any time.

 Finally, we would like to remind you of some statistics: it is estimated that some 5% of the general population, and around 20% of patients between 8 and 12 years old who come for a visual examination, could  benefit from therapy for Convergence Insufficiency.

We trust this new tool within the Optonet Vision Unit will be highly cost effective, making it easy to cover the subscription fee for the OVU, with just a few cases of CI treated every year.

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