Optonet Vision Unit Documentation

Please note that this User Guide is being translated into English; new sections will be added shortly.

4.4.VA Tools Menu #

The Vision Unit allows great flexibility in testing. Each VA chart has a tools menu, which appears on the right by clicking on the colour mark at the right of the screen (or pressing on the combination of keys: Ctrl + Alt + M) . Otherwise, the tools menu is hidden.

Each function has an icon, as well as a keyboard shortcut. The letter for the keyboard shortcut is shown in parenthesis in the tools menu when the corresponding icon is clicked. For example, in the above image, “Single (R)ow” appears next to the corresponding icon. So, clicking the icon or typing “R” results in showing a horizontal row of letters.

The same tools menu appears for all charts, regardless of the optotype used (letters, numbers or symbols). Therefore, although the discussion below is limited to letter charts, the same functions are available for charts with numbers or symbols.

The tools menu has the following options:

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